Crossplane Intro and Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plan... Jared Watts & Mark Anderson-Trocme
Crossplane Intro and Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plane Framework - Jared Watts & Mark Anderson-Trocme, Upbound The maintainers of Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, will lead this session that will introduce the project to new attendees, as well as dive deeper into details of Crossplane’s latest features and releases. There is always something new to show off at Kubecon! We will start with the basics on how Crossplane enables you to compose cloud infrastructure and services into custom platform APIs, and accelerate the journey of folks new to Crossplane to build a control plane of their own. Then we will take a detailed tour through the key features from the latest releases and how to adopt them into your platforms, including high level metrics, change logs, claim errors/status, and more! Finally, there will be an interactive opportunity to engage with the maintainers, ask questions, and influence the future of the project direction.